Monday, November 1, 2010

The Law of Time

The Law of Time

Now the time has come (Time) There's no place to run (Time) I might get burned up by the sun (Time) But I had my fun (Time)....Chambers Brothers, Lyrics from their 60's hit, "Time"

Do you ever feel like you have enough time? No one I know, feels like they have enough daylight to complete their "to-do list." Personally, I need time to meditate, pray, read, grocery shop, do laundry, research, study, exercise, clean my house, garden, can, teach 50 students, write my newsletter, work on artistic projects, cook, volunteer work, take care of the animals, 2 ½ hours of driving time four days a week, banking, take care of myself i.e. dentist, massage, upkeep on the car, dealing with AT&T, Comcast or whomever and of course look great and have time for my husband. And, I don't have kids - (I don't know how you moms and single dads do it). I know as I get older, it feels like time is my enemy. This elusive, not real, incredibly important concept called time, continues to be a mystery. When I consider how all-consuming and huge the concept of time is, the idea of managing it is really pretty funny. How in the world do I think, me, this lowly human can manage that? I'm still working on managing my checkbook.

To be honest, I didn't use to think of time much. Always seemed like I had plenty of it but the ticking of the clock has come to mean a lot more to me in the last couple of years. Not only how time plays out in my life, though I am connected to the bigger picture so yes, I'm sure in a way it does, but what it means to co-exist with nature, and even bigger still, how does it play out in the cosmos.

Not long ago, I had a dream that time was not linear but moved in a spiral. Somehow in my dream, I associated time with water as it spiraled down the drain in my sink. The thought that I was left with was that "time folded in on itself" whereas I concluded that maybe time travel was possible. Before you hit the delete button because you think I'm crazy, Stephen Hawking along with many of the quantum physicists believe it is possible. With the emergence of string theory and/or a multi-dimensional universe theory, brilliant minds are being changed.

I remember reading some years back a quote by Stephen Hawking. "If there is no such thing as time and if you can remember the past, then why can't you remember the future? (This phrase alone has made my head hurt). All of this is a little abstract in my daily life. I love to think about the concepts but how does it play out for me? Or us? Or the planet?

This brings me to Jose Arguelles. In my opinion, one of the great thinkers in the last 100 years. Jose believes that The Law of Time is a universal law and principle. He states that time is the universal factor of synchronization. He has been a proponent of a natural timing frequency that governs the universal order as opposed to an artificial timing frequency which sets modern human civilization apart from the rest of its environment, the biosphere. He believes that where civilization has gone wrong is basing daily life on artificial timing factors - irregular calendar and the mechanical clock. This has created an artificial global mantle. By consuming natural resources faster than they can be replaced and using more waste than can be eliminated, the techno sphere operates at the expense of the biosphere. Which gives us global crisis.

I'm not going to pretend that I really understand that. But what I do understand is that because we are not living with a natural calendar (13 month 28 day as opposed to the Gregorian Calendar instituted 400 years ago) we are out of sync with nature. With the natural calendar, we have to pay attention to nature. The moon becomes something we understand. Does anyone know what September means? October? They really mean nothing to us. But take the first moon phase July 26-August 22nd in the natural calendar. In ancient times, it was thought of as the Magnetic Moon phase. All who followed and paid attention understood that it was about unification. Each moon phase has it's cycle and purpose giving us information that we can utilize in helping us to create a more meaningful and fruitful existence.

The Law of Time affirms that all of the planetary upheavals and social chaos that we are experiencing today are directly related to giving precedence to human laws and machine technology, rather than divine order and natural law. This is due to living a collective misperception of time known as the 12:60 frequency. This refers to the 12 month cycle of the irregular Gregorian calendar paced by the 60 minute clock.

Because we are living in artificial time it disconnects us both as a species and individually from our true nature. We always feel like we never have "enough time." In the 12:60 frequency, time is money. In the13:20 frequency, time is art. Jose states that "The Law of Time affirms that by the nature of the universal timing frequency the world is already as one. It is only humankind who has chosen separation. This separation is reinforced by separation in time, living by the clock and the irregular measure of the Gregorian which calendar keeps the world from being as one". (There was a movement in the 1930's to change the calendar back to its natural cycle - taken all the way to Congress). The Law of Time states that: Energy factored by time equals art. In this equation, (E) refers to all phenomena in their processes of unfoldment; (T) is the present moment functioning according to the ratio constant 13:20.

I run this through my mind over and over again - - Everything shaped by time is art. Being in sync with Nature is art. Earth's art. Our art. Our expression. Our values. All connected. All valued. All respected. Joining Heaven and Earth. Could anything be more beautiful. Maybe I have all the time in the world.

time equation

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