Sunday, March 20, 2011

Deserve Humanity

In the meantime, I do want to share some last thoughts on what has been taking place. So please indulge me and then like I said, it is all about the garden.......I think.

As the events after the catastrophe in Japan have unfolded, I am saddened by the reaction of press, politics and other powers that be, in regards to the dialogue that has followed. The fact that we are still discussing whether Nuclear Power is a good thing or not when we know that major templates are shifting is absolutely absurd. To say that there were no deaths after 3-mile island is absurd (see stats below). The fact that we are worried about the economic situation in Japan and how it affects us instead of the recovery of the future of human welfare in the world is absurd. Remember you can't eat gold and you can't eat a dollar bill. Money is something we made up as a means of exchange. But services are a means of exchange too. Let's have that converstation or would we have to turn off our televisions refusing to listen to information that circulates round and round, feeding in on itself. I say, wake up to all of those who are stuck and live in a world that has nothing to do with a new reality.

We live in a culture where everything tastes good but nothing satisfies. The mercenary mind perceives the world purely in terms of material resources to be used for its benefit, to increase productivity and profit without thought of long term consequence. If there is still a vague and oppressive sense of guilt, of wrongness and imbalance, this gnawing guilt spurs money mongers on to greater acts of consumption, more and more violent attempts to subjugate nature, more totalizing efforts to create distractions. To the "rational materialist" living without a connection to oneness, he believes death is the end of everything; this thought feeds its rage against nature, which has placed us in this position of despair.

What I do know is that if we don't learn our lesson then the lessons will get bigger. And with the bigger lessons are bigger consequences.

Wake up everyone. Do your research. There are other forms of energy. Do some investigating. Go back to Tesla in the 20's who already had his system in place for free energy only to be usurped by J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison. Investigate Hutchinson's experiments with Anti-Gravity. Google David Sereda and see what he is up to in regards to Anti-Gravity and free energy. Or maybe if you would like a little celebrity with your renewable resources you can see the work that Daryl Hannah is supporting with her own money.

I like to take a positive outlook on whatever is happening and see the higher purpose of it. But when I am channel surfing to get any kind of "real" information, only to land on the senator from Tennessee who is going on about how wonderful Nuclear Energy is only to find out that two of the biggest contractors for Three Mile Island contributed $15,000 to his campaign, I have to look a little harder for the "light" in all of this.

The world I look forward to is earth friendly. It is a world that knows that at the center of this beautiful green sphere that I call Mother Earth is a beating heart. A heart that my heart needs to be connected to so that I know what I am made of and how I fit into this beautiful cosmos. The earth that I am looking forward to is one that doesn't think that money is so important that the distribution of it goes to the very few while "most" people on this planet suffer. I am pining for the society that sees a more intelligent way for humans spending their time investigating new constructs for sustainable communities. For example, maybe if each person donated two hours a day to the needs of the community then they could spend the rest of their time pursuing what their passion may be. That's all it would take, two hours from every single person.

For years I have been saying that we will waste valuable time trying to keep things the way they were when what we might want to do is leap forward with faith, imagination, an organic responsibilty to ourselves and each other bringing our brushes and pallettes to this canvas, an art project called humanity. Something we truly can't live without.

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