Friday, January 14, 2011

Unity In Action

If in the seeking of such goals, a soul uses behaviors of separation; greed, theft, lies, betrayal etc., then such souls though creators, do not understand the Universal principle of Unity from which everything is birthed or created. Such souls then create chaos and havoc that each of you witnesses in your world. If other souls seek their dreams with behavioral actions that signify unity consciousness, then such are true masters and co-creators of not just the world, but of the Universe and they function in alignment with the natural order of the Universe...Unknown

Let's face it, the Cricket Garden Newsletter has morphed and most of the time, has little to do with gardening...or is that really true? If I follow the path that I have been guided to, then all things are inclusive and it seems through gardening, has driven this statement about inclusiveness to the core of who I am. I don't think it's just gardening that has brought me to this awareness. It is, most probable, the culmination of a very busy and varied life, which included the arts - once again bringing my awareness to the point of realizing that all information comes from somewhere above my hair.

There is practically no field of human endeavor that does not relate to gardening in some way. Seen from whatever perspective I might choose, nature touches on every single aspect of human life. Therefore, gardening becomes the metaphor for life or the other way around. But it doesn't matter as life and growing food are symbiotic with each other which has to be considered, as we improve on, reinvent and are inspired by, to move forward on an ever-changing planet. I might not immediately see the connection between everything, but I do act on faith that more information will come so that I can continue to be enlightened to the connectedness of all things.

So what's the point of all of this? I guess it's that I now know that science can no longer operate without the etheric/spiritual/cosmology of the universe as much as the other way around. Each modality, science and spiritual cosmology need each other. Quantum Physics takes on some of these issues as does Rupert Sheldrake, Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner. And I say, more of this!

I don't even know where to begin as my head swims with all kinds of new information i.e. sound therapy, eurythmy, essential oils (when I have time), organic gardening, becoming a vegetarian, studying different modalities for seed propagation and on and on and on.......but the more I open up to new information, the more it seems to me that everything seems to mimic everything else. I have to commit myself to a much broader way of looking at all of my interests while considering the life of the Earth itself. I must widen my outlook to include the cosmos.

Unfortunately, many of the cosmological influences have been diminished in their importance in this world of "only science is truth". It seems to me that some of the biggest revelations that have come through science, came through in dreams, intuition and mistakes. I have to ask that if you don't have the equipment to measure the unknown then how can you dismiss it? I would think, if I were in a position of doing scientific studies, than I would get busy discovering the instrumentation to disprove what I automatically was not believing. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not true. We have been fed the opposite for many many years, and I think are less of a visionary populous than ever before. Where is the magic in our lives? Where is our belief in the effects of the outer planets and how they affect us? Why don't we support our artists as we do politicians? And while I am on the subject, let's not forget the arts in all of this - is it no mistake that when we look at plants growing, trees blowing in the wind, birds chirping, dogs wagging their tails and cats purring that life is an intricate multi-dimensional quilt that lives with sound, texture, color and smell. Is this not a beautiful work of art? An all-encompassing involved tapestry created by something a little bigger than us? God if you will - or light or love or higher beings or universal design - but if I have something to do with adding to the beauty of this planet, I had a small part and got my marching orders from higher up. And even with this belief system, I plead guilty in forgetting this at times, while in pursuit of paying my rent or in my old life where I spent a lifetime of trying to be famous.

Certain truths are basic, universal, and transcend all man-made religions. For example, all cultures have believed in a sun god of their imagination since each day begins with a sunrise and ends with the a sunset. The rising and setting of the sun represented the resurrection and death of their sun god. The point here is that all cultures understood that the entire universe is a whole and living unity, which means that all things are connected. Nothing is separate as it appears to human perception, but everything is interlinked.

When the garden thaws and I am face to face with the growing of things, I hope to carry new knowledge so that I am adding to - not taking from - my precious loving Mother Earth. And with this new information, I can hold in my heart a basic truth; All things in our universe (including us) that appear to exist independently are actually parts of an all-compassing organic pattern, and that no parts of that pattern are ever really separate from it or from each other. With this, I can keep my heart open to all living things allowing a loving intimacy that can only enlighten spirit.

From my garden to yours............

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